Wednesday, 5 December 2012

AS Media Studies Production: 3rd day of Filming

3rd Day of Filming

 On our 3rd day of filming we started off at the same location as last time but in a different area. To start off with we planned out all the different shots that we were going to take and compare them against the story board that we had created. Once we had planned all of our shots we started to experiment with the different angles and distances from which we should take then. After deciding we begun our filming. 
After two hours we had finally got all of the shots that we needed and we were able to capture everything we needed just before it started to get dark. I think that the shots that we got are very good and are able to create the sense of panic that we were trying to show. I think that after some editing and cutting the shots we took would end up being very smooth and will follow our storyboard very well. We have now done all of the filming that we need, unless there are a few shots that need to be re-done.

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