Wednesday 28 November 2012

AS Media Studies Production: Second Day of Shooting

Filming Day 2

Our second day of filming was during our double Media Lesson on Thursday the 29th of November. During this time we filmed the flashback scene showing Billy washing his hands. He had put dirt of them to make it more realistic (he gets the dirt from when the boys were running away and he fell over). We filmed the scene in the school toilets, it was made to look as if he had found the nearest sink possible and that being a public restroom. We did three different shots a Point of view from Billy, a over the shoulder and a close up this was to show different shots every time it flashes back. Each of these flash backs will be quickly flashed onto screen as the camera zooms out from the dead body. They will be linked in with white noise and a static screen to help portray the sense of panic as Billy is washing his hands.

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