Wednesday 21 November 2012

 Film opening treatment

Red Handed
 This treatment is what I would like to make a two minute opening scene for. i have come up with this treatment and the idea of the film on my own. i think that this film would be good to make a opening scene with.
A normal neighbourhood that has got a mystery guest. The innocent town that had a suprise coming to it. A family made up of criminals from London have now decided to move to a smaller town called Ware after they are very nearly caught during a robbery. After moving into their new habitat they soon hear about the worlds largest diamond coming to ware museum for a limited time only. They start planning to steal this, however they do not realise thast their neighbours have realisised who they are. Before the plan is put into action the police are tipped off about where they live. Now their plan has gone from stealing the diamond to escaping with their lives. Follow their story of how they escaped with their lives and witness the rollercoaster ride of a lifetime.

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