Tuesday, 11 December 2012

AS Media Studies Production: Sound Affects

Sound Affects

In our film opening we have filmed it in the nature and there were already really good background noises of the birds, wind and leaves. So for the first bit we have decided to not to add any un-natural sounds. However for the new part that we are going to add in and the smaller shots of the hands washing we are going to use some sound affects. For the hand washing scene we have decided to add sound affects to the transition. the affect that we want to use is a static TV sound. This sound affect can be found in loads of movies that are simular to our genre. For instance 'Scream' that is also a thriller has got the TV going to a static screne and having the static sound. This is simular to what we want but we want it quicker and bolder. The other sound affects that we want are going to be at the end of the film. I think that these sound affects that we are going to use need to be more natural so we may be recording them on are own so that the acoustics are correct and so it sound more natural and realistic.

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