Tuesday 11 December 2012

AS Media Studies Production: Financing Company's

Financing Companys

The name of our group’s film production company is going to be 'Trouble Productions' we have yet to make a logo for it however we are working on it.

To be able to create the film the film industry will need to get funding from one or two finance companys. This is because these filmers will not have the money to be able to create a whole film. As a low budget filming group we will have to choose from a range of lower end companys. For our film and the genre that it is in we have been looking at a few that can be potential finance companys. From the group of companys we had narrowed it down to two companys and these are BBC Films and Pathe. We decide to pick these two companys because of the type of film we are creating and because of our status of amature filmers.

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