Tuesday 11 December 2012

AS Media Studies Production: New Ideas

New Ideas 

Tuesday 11 December

During our editing we realised that we were not going to use some of our shots that we had got. The reason for this was that it didn't tie into what was happening and the continuity was all wrong. To make up for this we have decided to do some more filming for aftern they have run away and when one of the boys is back home. We will then be able to show the emotions that the boys are going through at the time aswell. I think that this would allow us to make an improvement to what the origonal film was going to be. What we have decided to film was one of the boys sending a text to the other with the title in the text. Washing the boys face and throwing away the jumper that the boy was wearing. We all felt that this would make a bigger impact on the viewer that what we had before.

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