Tuesday 11 December 2012

AS Media Studies Production: Editing Update First Draft

Editing First Draft

Editing: So far we have been able to do quite alot of editing. We have been able to put together around 1 minute, 30 seconds together. However this does not include the title sequence and the company logos that we are going to put in. We have got all of the correct sounds where we need them and the cuts are very sharp or very quick when it is needed. We have also been able to edit together a sequence of small clips with some fading inbetween whcih create a very good affect of time passing by.
Filming: At the moment we haven't filmed everything that we want to film. This is because is because of the weather that we have had. Howver we have been able to do some filming indoor. In our film we have got somne clips that will be cut to very quickly and then taken away again very quickly. these short clips are of one of the boys washing their hands. They are meant to act as a flash forwards. Lately we have been able to film these quick shots indoors. 

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