Tuesday 12 February 2013

Product Evaluation Q3

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

During the production of our film we did some research on the companies that would be willing to distribute our film under their name. To find out the types of film companies that would do we had to do some reseach on the films that are in our genre. After a lot of research we found some distribution companies that would be willing to have our film under their name. the first one is 'Revolver entertainment', this distributer has been involved with our genre before and has had films like 'Kidulthood' and 'The Imposter'. We decided that this company would be good for our film because they are involved with the thriller genre. The second distributer we thought would be good to cover our film was 'Pathe' we decided to go with this companie because they are quite a well know company but still take on low budget films. They would be able to do a lot of funding for our film, however they do not particulary fund thriller films. We decided to go with these companys because of their background and the type of films that they have distributed in the past. We felt they were the two distribution companys that were the best suited for our film.

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