When our group was thinking about what clothes or costumes we wanted our characters to wear we really thought hard about the type of characters we were trying to create. The story is about three young boys, one, that is dead from the start and the other two that are the murderers. We decided that the first boy should have his own identity then the other two boys could have similar identities.
Boy No 1.
Our first character is the boy that is dead from the start. We decided that this character is going to be quite clever so would be classed as a geek. We decided this because we needed a reason for the other boys to then attack him which caused his death. As the plot was that he would be camping we decided that the most suitable clothing for this character would be some traditional camping gear.

To start with we have got the walking boots, walking boots would be the most suitable shoes for a camping trip so we decided that this would be the best shoes for our character to wear. Next we have the jeans, they are just normal jeans, again they are jst a decision that we made beacaus we thought they would be suitable for the characters personality. We have then got the red shirt. We decided to have the shirt red because it is symbolising death and blood. It is also symbolising danger. Then there is just a normal camping coat that we again though would be a good thing for him to wear.
Boys No 2 & 3

Our two other character are going to be very similar in character and personality. So we decided that they could also be very similar with the clothes that they wear aswell. We decided that our two other characters were going to be characters that acted like chavs. We also decided that they would dress like them too. To start off we decide to just go with traditional white trainers. Then the black jogging bottoms and hoodie will both symbolise dasrkness and a different side to the boys. It will symbolise that the boys are like the Grim reaper as they are wearing all black. Then the hat is just an eaxtra feature we decided to have. We will have someone wiht a red had as uit is again symbolising death and blood.