Wednesday 10 October 2012

Preliminary Exercise

Preliminary Exercise Task
In our group we had:
  • Matthew Elsom
  • Amber Law
  • Max Allum
  • Tom Hurst
This photograph was taken by our Media Studies Teacher as we set up to film one of our scenes from the task we were doing. We decided that a first person view as the characted entered the room would be best suited for this scene. We filmed all of our scenes in the Media Studies room or just outside of it. All the filming had been done during our lesson. The filming took longer than we had expected it to as we wanted certain shots that were hard to get.
We used a Canon legira camcorder plus to film with and then we used Adobe premiere to edit all of our filming with. We used a few different techniques when we were filming like Shot reverse shot, match on action and a point of view shot. During filming we all used 180 degree rule so that the shot.
Overall i think that our video shoot went really well and we worked well as a team. I think that we were able to shoot the video very well and we were able to use all the camera techniques that we need ed to. 
looked right.

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