Wednesday 17 October 2012

Evaluation of preliminary exercise


Overall the camera work worked well. The camera was used with a tripod so the shots are still and clear for the viewer. During the filming there was one or two areas that we forgot about the techniques needed. We forgot to use the rule of thirds for some of the shots.


Overall the editing that we did on the shots to put them all together was very good. We were able to keep the whole film under 30 seconds. The main problem that we faced was the tiome it took for the videos that we filmed to be converted. This means that we had less time to acctually do the editing and when we watched it back after there was a part that stood out the most. This was when Max opened the door twice creating a sort of rewind in the film. Although this mistake makes the film look rushed and amatuer I think that the film is at quite a advanced standered.

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