Wednesday 9 January 2013

AS Media Studies Production: Music update 9th Jan

New Music

After our first cut we all decided on the new or updated parts of the opening scene we are going to add in or redo. One of the major changes that we are going to make was the music that we had playing in the background during the scene of the boys rnning away. The reason that we decided to change the music for this scene was because the music we had before wasn't suited to the feeling we were trying to get. The music was too happy and excited and it didn't fit in with the genre of thriller. The new music that we have found is more suited to our genre. It has got a deeper tone and it has got more of a thriller feel to it. Max was able to find the music on youtube, he made sure that the music wasn't copyrighted s that we wre able to use it in our movie opening.

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